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Power Of Attorney Is Too Important To Overlook

You work hard to earn your money and make sure your bills are paid on time. But what would happen if you were injured, disabled or otherwise incapacitated? Who would make sure your bills are paid and make decisions about your personal and household finances? That is where power of attorney comes in to play. The experienced estate planning lawyers at Hill Crabb, LLC, can help you establish power of attorney and have peace of mind about your finances.

What Is Power Of Attorney?

Power of attorney is the name for the legal document that gives an other person the authority – or power – to take actions on your behalf. This includes actions such as paying your bills, writing checks from your account, transferring funds in between your accounts and more.

It is crucial to make sure the person you designate as power of attorney is someone you can trust with such a crucial responsibility. Many people choose one of their adult children, a spouse or a close friend to look out for their financial interests. Others prefer to go outside their family or social circle, instead choosing someone like their attorney to handle these issues and avoid potential conflicts.

Health care Power Of Attorney

A similar document can also be created to grant decision making power over your health care decisions. Like a financial power of attorney, it is crucial to make sure whoever you designate as your health care power of attorney is someone you trust, with your best interests at heart.

Our attorneys can help you determine the best way to protect your interests. This may mean establishing a limited power of attorney, durable power of attorney or “springing” power of attorney. You can rely on us to answer your questions and make sure you are comfortable with your choices.

Get Started Today

Speaking to one of our lawyers is the first step in protecting your finances and health. Call 612-568-5967 to schedule your initial consultation.