Drug Crime Allegations Do Not Have To Destroy Your Life
People who get involved with illegal drugs often experience dramatic life changes. The consequences can be elevated depending on the drug involved, the amount possessed during the arrest, and history with the criminal justice system.
There is hope if you have been charged with a drug crime in Minnesota. The state recognizes that prison is not always the best option. Incarceration does not necessarily benefit either the offender or the state. If you have been charged, our Edina criminal defense and drug crime attorneys at Hill Crabb, LLC, will work to get you the best outcome possible.
The state recently changed its sentencing guidelines. The 2016 Drug Sentencing Reform Act acknowledges that rehabilitation and diversion programs might be better options than prison. According to recent studies, recidivism is lower for low-level drug offenders who are put on probation or go through rehabilitation programs instead of being imprisoned.
The Drug Sentencing Reform Act
In 2016, the Drug Sentencing Reform Act was enacted by the Minnesota Legislature. It had two goals: to punish high-level drug distribution and violent drug crimes more severely; and to lessen punishment for low-level drug crimes.
The details of the act are complex, and they can be difficult to explain. However, it is important to understand that it creates opportunities for first-time and low-level offenders to go through probation, diversion and rehabilitation.
The act provides alternatives to incarceration, especially for fifth through third-degree offenses that happened on or after Aug. 1, 2016.
Changes in the act include:
- Conditional release for some nonviolent, controlled substance offenders. This includes some crimes that were committed as a result of addiction. The accused agrees to mandatory treatment; has served a set amount of their imprisonment; has not previously been convicted of any crimes; or is not an adjudicated delinquent for a violent crime.
- Deferred prosecution for some first-time offenders. That includes drug paraphernalia possession. The offender also cannot have completed a diversion program or committed a felony.
- Signing a written contract agreeing to comply. This is mandatory.
Working To Minimize The Negatives
Drug crime allegations can impact your family, your career and your freedom. If you are facing a drug crime, we can work to control the outcome. Our lawyers can help you regain control of your life. Email offices or call us at 612-568-5967 for help.