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Your Guides To The Next Chapter Of Life

Out-Of-State Relocation

Family law judges in Minnesota typically believe that children are best served when both parents play a role in raising their children. When both parents live in or near the same city, a well-crafted parenting plan allows both parents to see their children on a regular basis. However, what happens if one parent is interested in moving out of state to pursue employment or other opportunities?

Can a parent move out of state with his or her child? If the other parent is interested in moving out of state with your child, is there anything you can do to stop it?

When you contact the law office of Hill Crabb, LLC, we will educate you about your parental rights. Our lawyers work with individuals in the Twin Cities and throughout Minnesota to address relocation questions, including:

  • Can I move out of Minnesota with my children?
  • What can I do if my ex is planning to relocate with our children?
  • Can I prevent my ex from moving?

What Factors Impact Whether Parents Can Relocate With Children?

Before family law courts in Minnesota grant parents the permission to move with their children or forbid them from doing so, several issues are considered. The court considers the best interests of the children, the stability of both parents’ lives, and the benefits and disadvantages of moving.

Whether you are interested in relocating with your children or preventing an ex from moving with your children, an experienced lawyer can help protect your rights. Contact our office to schedule a consultation. Hill Crabb, LLC, can be reached through an online contact form or by calling 612-568-5967.