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Hill Crabb Law Firm

Your Guides To The Next Chapter Of Life


Minnesota divorce for the sake of your children

The American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry states that divorce can hurt a child's mental health. It's common for parents in failing marriages to feel staying together is best for their child. However, witnessing a toxic marriage can also cause emotional...

What are the six stages of divorce in Minnesota

Divorce doesn’t happen overnight in Minnesota. Couples seeking to end their marriage must go through several steps before the marriage is legally dissolved. Even after the divorce is finalized, there are steps that divorced couples must go through. These steps are...

The minimum wage and divorce

Financial stress could cause tremendous problems in a marriage. When both spouses cannot pay their essential bills, tensions could rise. Don't assume that all Minnesota divorce cases centered on financial issues involve people of significant means, either. Spouses...

How a CDFA helps in the divorce process

Although the rates fluctuate, a significant percentage of marriages still end with a divorce. For Minnesota residents going through this difficult process, it's crucial to keep your financial future in mind since your divorce may have a huge bearing on it. That's...