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Hill Crabb Law Firm

Your Guides To The Next Chapter Of Life

Hill Crabb Partners With Madison Helm Coaching

On Behalf of | Oct 21, 2020 | Firm News |

We’re excited to announce a new partnership between Hill Crabb Law Firm and Madison Helm Coaching, moving us further into a holistic and integrative divorce process for the healthiest outcomes for one of life’s most challenging circumstances.

Madison Helm is recognized as a coaching resource for those who find themselves amidst family law matters, working through divorce, family crisis and identity realignment to purpose, life and self-mastery.

“Through my own family and personal crisis, a divorce for which I was a client of Hill Crabb,” said Johnny Helmberger, founder of Madison Helm.  “I found this experience to be enormously impactful in my pursuit of life mastery to the extent it drew Madison Helm’s coaching business to guiding other’s in similar situations, to really uplift those who want the best possible outcomes for themselves and their loved ones.”

Hill Crabb Law Firm is a top family law firm founded by attorneys, four-time Super Lawyer Rising Star Stephanie J. Hill and Richard D. Crabb, with offices in Edina and clients across the state of Minnesota.  Despite the pedigree of Hill Crabb attorneys, the firm remains both an affordable resource for family law matters and a firm that cares about their client’s wellbeing.

“Any law firm can take a client’s money and get them divorced. We’re more than just a divorce law firm, we are a lifestyle firm. We understand that divorce is a very difficult for our clients, but helping them through the legal transactions of finalizing a divorce is really only one part of our process.” said Crabb, Hill Crabb partner  “Divorce is a life changing event with significant ramifications for clients both during and after the divorce..”  Hill, another partner in the firm, added “We want to help our clients with the entire transition through their divorce, starting from their pre-divorce life and then helping them reimagine, envision and execute a plan to establish their new post-divorce lifestyle. This might include providing emotional support resources, personal wellness resources, and education and career planning.”

Wherever you are in life circumstances that might have you considering family legal matters or even if you’re already in the process, we’re pleased to have this partnership and to encourage you to contact Johnny Helmberger of Madison Helm (www.madisonhelm.com) for a no cost first session at 651-967-0697 or [email protected] for clarity in your present moments.

